Sunday, September 26, 2010

Multimedia PSA Group Project

During this course I was given the opportunity to examine multimedia and video production. I created a digital story and used Windows Movie Maker to create a movie from still digital images. I researched and evaluated open source video editing software and worked with others in my class on a video production PSA (public service announcement) project.

I envisioned that I would be able to learn to use video and audio editing software during this course and I feel that I achieved those outcomes. I also wanted to explore using screen capture which I did on my own separately from the required assignments for the course.

The ability to use video editing software is very relevant to the work that I do because I manage our program website and will be able to create and add some resources that will aid students in reaching their educational goals. I can add videos to an online course on financial literacy which I am working to develop. I can video students participating in program events and cultural trips. I can also share the tools that I am using and help students use these tools to create projects to be used in presentations for their coursework.

I think the main outcome that I did not achieve was getting more practice in actually editing video clips. This will take some practice but is something that I know I can find tutorials and resources to aid me in doing.

I feel that I was successful in completing the course assignments. I was discouraged by the fact that the updated syllabus did not correspond to what was in the courseware and seemed to be confusing to my classmates when posting on the discussion board. The large number of students in the current class made it difficult for me to find time to read all their posts and get to know some of them better. I really enjoyed working in a group on the PSA project and was encouraged by the quality of work that we were able to produce.

Something I learned about myself from this course was the fact that I am becoming more confident in my leadership abilities and in my technology skills. I am getting faster at posting links and writing content. My attitude toward collaboration has changed from when I first started the degree program. I actually looked forward to the group project this time and took more of a leadership role than in the previous group experience.

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