Monday, September 13, 2010

Multimedia Week 3: PSA Pre-Production

In an article I read this past week for my Multimedia class entitled Shoot to Edit: A Guide to Using Your Camcorder, Marc Peters states “In the right hands, and with a lot of ingenuity, even the most dire of video can be made to look presentable.”

Something I learned from reading this article is that it’s not what type of camera you have or what software you use that determines whether your video looks professional.The author discusses the importance of how you hold the camera and the angles that you use when shooting your video. Peters provides lots of tips for using different techniques to create a variety of effects and make editing your video easier.He stresses the importance of putting some time and effort into practicing and experimenting with different angles, positions, and camera techniques.

I think this is some valuable information that will assist in preparing videos of the student interviews that we are preparing to post on our program website.Usually when filming an academic enhancement workshop, a tripod is set up which is focused on the speaker. Gathering shots of the audience responses or using different angles would, in my opinion, make a video much more interesting to the viewers.I would compare this to the difference between someone standing behind a podium presenting a lecture or instead using a variety of interactive learning methods with students.

During the last 3 weeks of this course we will be working in teams of 5 to create a Public Service Announcement (PSA).  Our team consists of Emily Priesmeyer, Emily Wisbrock, Janie Fryar, Michael Alves and myself. Three of us have worked together on a previous group project. Emily Wisbrock set up a Google Site early in the week for us to collaborate in and discuss our ideas for the project. I updated the site to reflect the tasks that were on our assignment.  Michael Alves shared the assignment using Google Docs so that we all could work within the same document and then submit our assignments indivdually.

Our team then met together via video conference using TinyChat which I facilitated. Specific tasks were divided among the group members to complete portions of the project proposal, script, narration, shot list, and copyright information. Roles were assigned to each member in order to complete the video project within the next 2 weeks. Our team plans to meet on Thursdays and Sundays during the Production and Post-production phases in order to monitor the progress toward completion and to debrief at the end to review what we learned and discuss areas in which we could make improvements. The topic that we agreed upon for our PSA is Cyberbullying and our purpose is to educate tweens and teenagers (aged 11-13) and their parents about uncommon forms of cyberbullying and bring awareness to this important issue.

Be sure to watch for a copy of our completed project to be posted here within the next 2 weeks!

Peters, M. (2006, April 18). Shoot to edit: A guide to using your camcorder. Digital Director. Retrieved September 9, 2010, from:

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